Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Google Doc.

Hey Everyone,

Erin has put together a great start to our SPARK group. Thank you Erin for doing this. We are looking at what roles we as UWSP adventure racing Alumni will play in the future of adventure racing in WI. Check out the doc. and see give up your input. Thanks,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hey all,

Today I had the opportunity to go single track biking with some students from Mosinee High School. We put on twenty miles of the good stuff and how great it was. As I was biking I was thinking about different things I need to do or get done, but then a rock or log would be in my and put my mind back on track. I guess for those that have graduated college so far what is the hardest or weirdest thing for you so far? I'm enjoying life, but it is so different from the past six years. Let me know your thoughts. Take care and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Training Time

This has been a weird summer in that I really didn't know where I was going to end up or what direction my life was going to take. Even as I'm typing this I'm still not completely sure which direction my life is going, but I am taking advantage of the situation and using it as well as possible. My current situation is extremely flexible which has allowed me to stay consistent on workouts. In the past it has been hard to stay on task or cue with workouts, but this fall is different. The main thing is to do something physical everyday and the more I or you can do the better. So far this week I have gone biking, climbing, loaded wood, ran steps, with tomorrow having another bike and this weekend a canoe. Should be fun enjoying the forces of nature. Keep it up.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Primal Quest

Just finished volunteering for the world's most challenging endurance event ever- Primal Quest 600 miles in 10 days all human powered.